International Journal of Head and Neck Science

Articles and lssues

Edited by: Chih-Yen Chien, MD
ISSN: eISSN 2520-5900, pISSN 2663-8835

International Journal of Head and Neck Science

Volume 6, Number 4, December 2022

Original Articles

  • Bone Metastasis Is Uncommon in Patients With Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma at Diagnosis —Bone Scan May Be Not Necessary for Initial Staging
    Cheng-Ping Wang, Wan-Lun Hsu, Pei-Jen Lou, Jenq-Yuh Ko, Tseng-Cheng Chen
    Pages 135 - 141
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  • Ultrasound Texture Analysis: The Association With Neck Metastatic Lymphadenopathy
    Li-Jen Liao, Wan-Lun Hsu
    Pages 142 - 149
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  • Disparity of Dental Plaque Microbiomes in Patients With and Without Oral Cavity Cancer
    Ting-Yu Lin, Cheng-Ming Hsu, Yao-Te Tsai, Geng-He Chang, Tsung-Yu Huang, Pey-Jium Chang, Rou-Chen Shen, Ming-Shao Tsai
    Pages 150 - 157
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Image Challenge in Head and Neck

  • Left Submandibular Mass in a Male Patient
    Yan-Ye Su, Wan-Ting Huang, Chih-Yen Chien, Ming-Hsien Tsai
    Pages 158 - 163
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