


3rd Tri-Society Head and Neck Oncology Meeting

[ 圖一 ] 


2019 8/30 到9/1至香港參加三學會聯合會 (3rd Tri-Society Head and Neck Oncology Meeting 2019) 


[ 圖二 ] 

與會代表與香港教授 Willian Wei 合照。

[ 圖三 ] 

婁理事長主持 Taiwan HN Society Symposium,由高醫吳哲維、慈濟周一帆及高醫黃子晏演講

Thyroid Cancer: From IONM, TOETVA to Robotic Surgery,婁理事與講者合影。

[ 圖四 ]

中醫大花俊宏醫師演講 Speech and Swallowing Outcome in T1/2 Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma After Surgical Treatment

[ 圖五 ] 

中榮林玟君醫師演講 TORS for Hypopharyngeal and Laryngeal Cancer

[ 圖六 ]

台大陳俊男醫師演講 Ultrasound-guided Core Biopsy (USCB) in Hypopharyngeal Tumours with Difficult Endoscopic Diagnosis

[ 圖七 ]

長庚蔡耀德醫師演講 Treatment Patterns and Outcomes in Patients with Advanced-stage Hypopharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinomas

[ 圖八 ]

新加坡鄭澤運醫師演講 Treatment Outcome of Malignancies of the Major Salivary Glands

[ 圖九 ]

長庚張凱評教授演講 Biomarker Research in Head and Neck Surgery

[ 圖十 ]

台大楊宗霖教授演講 Personalized Medicine for Robotic Surgery for the Head and Neck Region

[ 圖十一 ]

亞東邱彥霖醫師演講 EBV-specific T-cell Immunity in NPC and Implications for Immunotherapy

[ 圖十二 ]

台大林志峰醫師演講 Endoscopic Endonasal Approach for the Management of Advanced Sinonasal and Skull Base Tumours

[ 圖十三 ]


[ 圖十四 ]

 Instruction Course: 頸部超音波檢查(Neck Ultrasound),參加者踴躍。

[ 圖十五 ]

 Instruction Course: Neck Ultrasound 講者合影

[ 圖十六 ]


[ 圖十七 ]

聚餐活動合照,大會 Faculty dinner 因故取銷,學會於逸東軒舉辦聚餐

[ 圖十八 ]

聚餐活動合照,大會 Faculty dinner 因故取銷,學會於逸東軒舉辦聚餐,會後合照